The Beginning To Amen
There's a book
we call the Bible it contains God's Holy Word.
From Genesis to
Revelation, the most amazing things I've heard.
It tells of
earth's creation from, "In the beginning to Amen".
And how God
became flesh to save this world from sin
Out of the dust
God formed Adam,
From Adam's rib
He made Eve
Then placed
them in a garden, and met their every need
When along came
a serpent, and he told Eve a lie
Did God say, if
you eat that fruit, surely you would die?
Soon man became
so evil, it grieved God in his heart
So He told Noah
to go and build an ark
After Noah, his
family and the animals, all had entered in
God shut the
door and flooded the earth to
Cleanse this
world from sin
All throughout
the Bible men were called to do God's will
But Jesus paid
for all our sins upon Golgotha's Hill
When He said,
"It is finished", nothing else could be done
He has the keys
to Death and Hell, the battle has been won.
Today's the day
of salvation so come to Jesus now
Soon every
tongue shall confess and every knee shall bow
To praise the
King of all kings, in Heaven He will reign
Always and
forever we'll praise his holy name.
God wrote the
words in my heart
To Him I give
all the praise and glory
Linda English
Rhoden '99
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