never before in American history has the word “freedom” been more
meaningful. When I think of freedom, I consider the many rights and privileges
we enjoy in this great country. Besides having freedom of speech and worship, we
are free to pursue personal goals and become successful. Regardless of race,
gender or physical limitations, opportunities abound. Our constitution promises
to secure the “blessings of liberty.”
Freedom, however, means more than blessings. Freedom also means the honor of
responsibility. As citizens, we should joyfully embrace our duty to preserve our
way of life by voting, by following laws, by openly opposing racism and
discrimination, by honoring our veterans, police and firefighters, and even by
paying taxes.
We are free to complain about taxes, but the benefits we receive in return are
amazing--benefits such as excellent highways, libraries, parks, police and fire
departments, and superb public schools. Taxes also help those less fortunate. True
freedom means giving as well as receiving and does not come without a
Sometimes that price is very high. The passengers of flight #93, which crashed
on September 11, exemplified the meaning of freedom and democratic ideals. It is
said that they took a vote to determine whether or not to act against the
terrorists. In those moments of certain terror, they upheld the very principles
upon which our government was founded, and, amazingly, they voted. Those
heroic Americans epitomize the meaning of freedom. They gave their lives
preserving and defending democracy. We owe them our respect and gratitude.
The brave Americans of flight #93 and the other victims of September 11 paid the
ultimate price for freedom. I think the founding fathers would be proud of them.
I know I am. Through them, I more fully appreciate the true meaning and value of
essay was written by 13 year old: Kelsey
Littleton, Colorado
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